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Manual Handling


What does an employer need to do regarding Manual Handling in the workplace?

Under the Health & Safety @ Work Act (1974) and numerous regulations, principally the Manual Handling Operations Regulations (MHOR 2002) and the Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations (LOLER 2002) an employer must risk assess any work process which involves an employee lifting/carrying/moving/placing object.

The risk assessment is then used to guide the employer to consider the provision of specialist lifting/moving equipment and the training employees might need in order to work safely.


Is Manual Handling training compulsory?

No. However, under the H&SAWA, MHOR and LOLER, an employer MUST look after the health safety and welfare of its employees, and MUST provide suitable and sufficient training for the employee to carry out their work safely. Training an employee in Manual Handling techniques and how to lift/move/carry/place an object safely and correctly is one way in which an employer can help fulfil this responsibility.


Need Manual Handling training?  Click here for our list of current courses or contact us now to discuss bespoke training for your staff.



Do all employees need to receive Manual Handling training?

No. Those who are identified by your risk assessment as being most vulnerable should certainly receive training, however it can be said that most, if not all employees will at some time during their work, be required to lift/move/carry/place an object… perhaps receiving a delivery, helping a colleague etc. With this in mind, for the safety of all concerned and to fulfil your legal obligations, it would be reasonable to provide training and guidance to all staff.


Does a Manual Handling Certificate need renewing or updating?

No. However, it is recommended to employers to help staff maintain and practice their skills and keep up to date with any changes in manual handling procedures. Manual Handling Update or Refresher sessions have proved popular with good employers, it gives confidence to their staff and demonstrates a professional and robust approach to health and safety overall and manual handling specifically. Companies are also finding that training reduces the severity and number of workplace injuries.


What Manual Handling equipment do employers need to provide?

Your Manual Handling Risk Assessment and consideration of the workplace/work process requirements will guide you to consider the nature of any manually or mechanically operated load handling equipment which might be needed in order to reduce or eliminate the manual handling risk to staff.

Where can I get more help with my Manual Handling?

DutyMet would be delighted to give you help and advice regarding your manual handling arrangements and manual handling training. Contact us today.

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